Fly to Tahoe from any Bay Area Airport
Get there in less than an hour. 365 days/year.
Safety/ Traffic/ Stress
With the current concern about the Covid-19 Pandemic, having a way to travel quickly in a safe environment without anyone else that has been exposed to the potential virus is a valid and essential concern. Premiere Aviation limits its use of the Cessna Golden Eagles to 5 lessee’s per aircraft; FOR THE WHOLE YEAR! The Cessna Golden Eagle will get you there in 40-50 minutes from any Bay Area airport. The Golden Eagle can use ALL the Bay Area airports. Use San Carlos, Palo Alto, Napa and Novato airport in Marin, as well as Hayward, Livermore, San Jose, Reid Hillview and Oakland North field. This translates to avoiding traffic, which on Friday and Sundays is a nightmare; something to avoid if possible.
Make Use of Your Second Home!
Having a second home in Tahoe is great, the drive isn’t. Airlines don’t work and are risky. Being able to get there in less than an hour from any airport in the Bay Area means more utilization, more time in the mountains; the cost to get this luxury is very small in comparison to your investment. Premiere’s Limited Edition Golden Eagle can take up to 7 people and baggage up to Tahoe without any limitations.
Time is Precious-Use it Well & Efficiently
The only thing you cannot buy is time; use it well, appreciate its value. Flying to your destination is great, use the right aircraft and still have a small carbon footprint!

Traffic to and from the lake is not going to
get better with time.
The Cessna Golden Eagle is the safest, most cost-effective way to reliably go back and forth from the Bay Area to Tahoe with ease, comfort and reliability; hands down.

Premiere is positioning a Lexus LX 470 at the Truckee airport for lessee’s to use throughout the year for both Summer and Winter enjoyment, on a first-come, first-serve basis. We have discovered that on holidays, the availability of Uber and Lyft is sometimes a -hour wait; for a 10-minute ride, this does not work. We came up with an easy solution that gives you true independence and freedom. Life should be simple; so we have made it easier going back and forth to Truckee.